Maplewood ConnectEd Parent Portal -- Access to Student Marks and Attendance
When parents log into the ConnectEd Portal, they will see their own child(ren) and a similar screen to the one below:
As a parent, what are you seeing?
- You are seeing all the classes that your child is enrolled in for the current semester
- To switch semesters - click on the Semester Dropdown above the class lists
- Student school picture along with their current grade and homeroom on the left side
- Attendance Summary - total number of absences and lates for each class
- To gain more access to students attendance -- click on Attendance on the menu bar
- Click on today's attendance or attendance history
- Markbook Last Updated - shows the date the teacher last updated the marks.
- To view marks in the class, click on the date for the particular class
- To see a summary of the assignments and tests in the class - click on the dropdown in the top left corner beside date range: This Year
- To see an overall mark for the course -- click on Generate Report (top right)
- NOTE: if the report does not generate -- please make sure that pops are not being blocked
- In Chrome, if the pop-up is being blocked - there will be a a red x in the top right corner of the adress bar, beside the star. Click on that and say always allow pop-ups from this site
Below is an example of the markbook report:
Reading the Generated Markbook Report:
- Term Mark -- This is the mark that your child is currently at in the class
- Blue Rows -- These are the categories; the main topics of the course
- White Rows -- These are ALL the individual assignments, quizzes, tests, projects etc that your child has completed
- How did my child do on an assignment, test etc?
- Find the assignment on the white row -- look at the columns: mark and out of
- For example: Egghead Character Profile is the assignment and the mark is 47/57
- The weight is how the markbook calculates students grades
- Comments:
- Comments below the rows are the comments that would be on the report card or progress reports
- There may also be comments for specific assignments, to view the comments for specific assignments:
- Close out the generated report -- there should still be a little window open with the date range set to this year
- The assignment that has a comment, will have a little speech bubble beside it
- Click the speech bubble and view the comment