Age groups:
- Grades K-2
- Grades 3-5
- Grades 6-9
- Grades 10-12
Choose one category theme below and submit your video for a chance to win a cash* prize!
Highlight a career in agriculture or celebrate someone you admire in the ag industry.
Illuminate the diverse career paths within the agricultural sector while paying homage to the trailblazers and heroes who have made significant contributions to the industry. Inspire others to envision themselves as future leaders, innovators, and stewards of agriculture, igniting passion and admiration for the industry's vast opportunities and the remarkable individuals who shape its future.
Demonstrate how agriculture benefits our lives and/or the environment.
Encourage appreciation for the reciprocal relationship between agriculture and the environment, promoting the adoption of sustainable practices that benefit both.
Age groups:
- Grades K-3
- Grades 4-7
- Grades 8-9 *NEW this year!
Foster teamwork and camaraderie by engaging your entire classroom to collaborate on a submission, with the added incentive of winning an agricultural field trip or event.
Theme: Demonstrate how agriculture benefits our lives and/or the environment.
Encourage appreciation for the reciprocal relationship between agriculture and the environment, promoting the adoption of sustainable practices that benefit both.
Classroom prize for each age group: Funding towards an agricultural field trip or event*
Individual and public school classroom entries