About Chinook School Division
Chinook School Division is located on Treaty 4 territory, which includes the Nekaneet First Nation, and the homeland of the Métis Nation. The school division spans a geographic area from Frontier in the south, Leader in the north, Hodgeville in the east, and Maple Creek in the west. Chinook School Division is proud to serve over 6,000 students in 60 schools, with over 1,000 collegial and student centered teachers and support staff. Chinook is a vibrant and progressive school division located within Saskatchewan's great Southwest. Much of Chinook School Division is rural, punctuated by several large towns and one city, Swift Current, where the Chinook Education Centre office is located. Thirty-two Hutterite colonies are also located within the boundaries of Chinook School Division.
We are known for our geographical wonders, our friendly communities, and our innovation and leadership in education. Located within our Division are the Cypress Hills and Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Parks, the Great Sand Hills, Scotty the T-Rex, and the Grasslands National Park.
The Southwest offers its residents outstanding educational opportunities, excellent health care, shopping, and first class cultural and recreational facilities. Historical sites across the region will take you back to Chief Sitting Bull, the forming of the North West Mounted Police and the building of Fort Walsh. This is only part of the story, because the history of this area goes back ten thousand years, and each visit presents you with a new adventure. Our area's economy is based primarily on manufacturing, agriculture, and petroleum.
Our Division's aim is to continue to be an educational leader in the province providing unique opportunities, services and support to all children in southwestern Saskatchewan. Our educational community believes and values collegiality, professional growth, authentic partnerships, and assessment for learning where improving student learning opportunities is paramount.
Division Map: click on each marker to see the name of the school