Board Members

Picture of Dianne Hahn

​Dianne Hahn, Chair

Subdivision 8: Swift Current

Dianne Hahn was elected in 2016 in Subdivision 8, and resides in Swift Current with her husband, Gord. They have one grown son, Tyler. Dianne attended Waldeck School and graduated from the Swift Current Comprehensive High School. She also attended the local College, Saskatoon Business College and took correspondence courses through the University of Regina. She holds her certification for both an Urban and Rural Administrator. 

While Dianne’s son attended Oman, Fairview and Swift Current Comprehensive High School she volunteered at the schools, including being a member of the School Community Councils (SCCs). Dianne has been employed in municipal government throughout her working career and is currently employed with the RM of Excelsior No. 166. ​

Dianne believes that education is very important to our future and wants to contribute to the Division providing a quality education where students can learn and grow as individuals, as well as be the place where people want to work. Dianne is inspired b​y the quote from Martin Luther King Jr. that reads “Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.​

Subdivision 8